She was right. (granted she had twins so her survival mode was peaked higher than most)
Waverly turns 6 weeks this Friday and I finally feel like I've gotten to know her and figured her out to some degree. This is temporary I'm sure... Plus so far I've gotten through all the confusion, sleep deprivation, breast feeding nonsense, and crying. People say 6 weeks is when things get a little easier and I think it's true. Waverly's digestive system is processing things a little better and she is more alert everyday. We are also better at knowing her needs now.
...we had to get to know her!
1 month! She's in the t-shirt I wore when I was born in Richmond, VA :)
5 weeks!
start of a smile!
Waverly is also pretty gassy and spits up lots...lots of laundry! Explosive poops, farts I can hear across the house, and spit up down my back were things I forgot come with a baby. Nick and I find bodily functions hilarious makes for some good laughs and someone else to blame.
She's so sweet and now that we know how to calm her and give her what she needs...she will just chill in her crib falling asleep, in her swing or on a pillow. She loves to be snuggled close and we figured out after trial and error that she sleeps great when swaddled...Hallelujah!
baby burrito
snoozin' on daddy
I'd like to extend a couple thank yous...
Thanks to my mommy girlfriends who have listened to me for 5 weeks talk about the trials and tribulations of breastfeeding, being tired, having a crying baby, having a gassy baby, having a baby who spits ups a lot, etc. Thank you for all your tips, recommendations, and for listening!
Thanks to Casey for all of the above and for loving the many pictures I send of Waverly and never saying it's too much.
Thanks to my family for all of the above and for constantly asking how we're doing and what's new. Their support feels so great.
Thanks to Miracle Blanket for making an awesome swaddling blanket. Wish I had listened to my friend, Tracy, and bought you weeks ago.
Thanks to Wubbanub for making cuddly pacifiers.
Thanks to Dr. Harvey Karp for teaching us the "5 S's" on how to calm our baby. Watching his "Happiest Baby on the Block" dvd was truly our turning point in learning how to calm her crying.
Thanks to Jessi for lending us the above dvd...we were dumb to wait 5 weeks to watch it. I'll return it soon :)
Thanks Moby Wrap for creating a swaddle-like, hands free carrier that also enables cozy cuddling.
Thanks to everyone who gave us a burp cloth.
Thanks to gripe water for getting rid of hiccups.
Thanks to Tide for our many loads of laundry and a pat on my own back for getting our landlord to replace our old crappy washer just before the baby came.
Thanks google and the world wide web for many answers although sometimes I should take this thank you away, stop googling and trust my instinct.
I'll now accept my "6 week survivor" award in the form of a sweet little cherub to cuddle.
Next blog won't be baby-centered..promise! ;)
hehe I love this post-- so real and so true! I appreciate your transparency. You are such a good mom, Les!