
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Goldens Visit: Days 1-3

While Leslie is busy with mom time (of which I am extremely jealous), I have been busy with friend time.  The girls and Bloss were here for a week and we fit as much as we could into that visit.  Here is a breakdown of our days:
  • Day 1: Base and Badman Ball
  • Day 2: Kamakura
  • Day 3: Disney Sea Tokyo
  • Day 4: Yokohama
  • Day 5: Tokyo
  • Day 6: Tokyo
  • Day 7: Enoshima
  • Day 8: Hakone
Aren’t you exhausted just looking at that schedule?!  I honestly don’t know how they kept going, especially with the jet lag.  But they were troopers and I loved sharing Japan with them.  Some of what I showed them was familiar to me and some was brand new.  I admittedly got lost a few times, but by the end of the week had mastered (okay that might be overstating it) the train schedule and google maps. 

These girls have been to every one of the places that we have lived over the last four years (along with our friend, Lauren, who was delivering sweet Ryan this year and had bigger things on her plate;))  It means so much to me to be able to share this adventure with some of my best friends.  Thanks for making the trip, my goldens! 

Here is a look into our first few days…

Cheers to Japan!
(Hot canned drinks from the vending machines - one of our favorite things about Japan!)
Seeing what Matt does all day...

Our favorite God of Happiness!

When in Rome (or Japan, in this case)...

Dankazura shrine approach

Disney Sea Mermaid Lagoon (and a safe haven from the rain)

Disney Sea

Trying to keep warm.

The hidden temple.

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