
Friday, July 23, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

I'm not sure where that phrase "dogs days" came from, because our dog doesn't love the summer.

sure....he likes the later evenings and longer walks, but one thing is for sure...he doesn't love the heat and humidity. His tongue starts to hang way out and he walks a little slower. In Richmond he liked to find nicely landscaped lawns to collapse in. In NYC he loves the dog park pool where he plays the role of "king cole" very well...take a look:

being social

For those of you who don't know...adjusting to life after Hawaii hasn't been an easy ride. For two weeks we had a battle with our landlord about our broken AC unit. We lost the battle and gained an expensive electricity bill for running 8 fans all the time...we also gained an expensive and rather large portable AC unit. Room is not something we have to spare, folks.

smart dog...sitting in front of the AC unit

But we have embraced this little R2D2 sized unit b/c it cools our apartment pretty well. The heat in NYC is unlike VA/DC....the sidewalks heat up, the subway is suffocatingly hot, and the buildings block the essence, you bake and melt away, haha. We feel pretty lucky to live by the river where there is a nice breeze in the morning and evening...makes for some pleasant dog walks.

best friends...for those you who don't know...Cole is OBSESSED with Nick

Don't worry - we're surviving :) We were lucky to spend 4th of July in Boston with Andy, Shannon, and baby Smith on the way. We had a great bbq with their friends and got to join in on a great rooftop party for the 4th of July fireworks. (sorry for lack of pics of the actual PEOPLE we were spending time with...)

boston skyline - pre fireworks

We also had a great trip to DC where I got some quality time with my girlfriends and Nick and I both got to enjoy dinner and drinks with friends in DC. This trip also included a family wedding! We got to spend some time with my family and have lunch in DC on the old Hotel Washington (now the W) roof deck which has an incredible view of the monuments and white house. Then we had the cousin, Anthony got married to his high school sweetheart, Cara. It was a beautiful backyard wedding and the details, food, drinks, and music were all perfect! The wedding was just right for the Colorado heels, lots of sandals and comfortable summer atire. It was a really fun summer wedding. (again, wish I had taken more pics of everyone we visited that weekend...!)

visiting with tina and joey's dog, him!

White house view from the W

My parents enjoying the view

Anthony and Cara getting married!

Nick, Dad, and Andy at the wedding

We came back just in time for the world cup finals in cup has been a BIG DEAL in the city, because obviously people from all over the world live here. One of my customers had a big block party for the final game...we helped supply them with a beer truck, supplies and giveaways. It was an awesome experience being in one of the world's biggest cities during such a worldly event.

TV for world cup game

the crowd

This past weekend we had yet another family wedding....although it's the last for a couple years we think. My 2nd cousin, Paul got married to his high school sweetheart (apparently commitment is really in our blood), Jenn in Rochester, NY. Rochester is where my mom's side of the family originated and where she grew family has made many trips here for holidays, summer trips to see the grandparents and for family events. Jenn was a stunning bride and it was great wedding.

beautiful bride

This weekend we're off to the beaches....although not together :( I'm headed to my family vacation in Sunset Beach from thursday-tuesday and since nick doesn't have any vacation days left, he is spending the weekend with his buddies in Dewey Beach. Wish we could do both! Cole is visiting Grandma Gupta in delaware :)

Nick & I last year at sunset beach....

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