There is something about the word vacation. When I hear it – I close my eyes and think about family, friends, a good book, a cold drink, lazy mornings, late nights, and happiness – mostly happiness. Here are a few words that capture my vacation at home with my family…
crabs. mimosas. brother. manicure. adele. sunscreen. pizza. happy hour. mom and dad. phillies. frasier. porch. chai. duck. yahtzee. sister. hummingbird. kayak. peach pie. newspaper. bocce ball. beach cruiser. words with friends. chicken pot pie. sunset. oyster shots.
While I was home I was able to spend some time with my little brother and sis-to-be before my brother deployed. I was grateful that I got to see them before he left. Just a quick shout out to Chris - I am so proud of you and so happy that you are my brother.
There were many times when I wished that I could freeze time and just stay. Stay right there in that moment. But then I would remember how much I missed Matt and Sadie and San Diego. And I felt so blessed to be able to leave the vacation that I loved and return to the life that I love.
PS - More to come on my second vacation with Tina and Leslie!

craziness in the golf cart

concentrating hard on not tipping

a record five crabs in one catch - t0o bad none of them were big enough to keep

this is the life

homemade sadie treats


the girls

my little brother, chris
I really love Karin and Duane in the crab pic...the hat and cigar make it perfect!