
Friday, November 9, 2012


Big News!  We're moving....AGAIN.

The Guptas are moving back to good old Virginia!  We are so excited that this is official!

About a month ago, Nick interviewed with an engineering consulting firm in Washington DC and got a great job offer.  Everything with the offer got finalized a little later and we made the decision to move back to Virginia!

They want Nick to start on a project very quickly...actually wanted him to start November 12th, but he was able to push it back 2 weeks.  Still a very quick turn around.  So we are currently looking for a place to live and plan to be living there by December 1st!

This move is what we wanted...we want to be back in Virginia closer to friends and family.  We want to settle in Northern Virgina and hope to buy a house in 2013. However it does come with some mixed feelings...we are sad to be farther from my brother and his family in Boston.  We're a 4 hour drive now, so now 8 hours...but at least its not different coasts!  Also sad to be far from our favorite city, New York.  I cried when we moved out and part of me still achingly misses it.  If Nick and I were rich and could have a huge apartment (big enough for multiple kids, a dog and every one's stuff), we never would've left.  Our pipe dream is to have a condo there as a second the west village of course.

my niece Caroline, the bunny for Halloween.  How cute is she!?!?!  to die for.

ahhh...the west village, nyc.

And actually....New Jersey has grown on me.  I really like the area we live in and we have made a couple good, supportive friends.  We also have great neighbors and a great pediatrician...just a good support system overall which is hard to leave.

Also...I had to leave Boston Beer Company after 5 1/2 years.  I am ready to move on after having a really good 5+ years and getting great experience, but it's still weird to make the change.  It is a GREAT company...very good vision, direction, products, training, and support to employees.  That I will miss and know is rare.  I gave them my notice a little while ago and it couldn't have gone smoother...I am thankful they understood and were happy for this change for our family!  I may not get free beer anymore, but I still have connections ;)

when I first started in 2007...celebrating 4th of July in DC

receiving my 5 year award in Jan 2012 from owner-founder-brewer Jim Koch

This fall has brought many changes to baby, new job, new location...but change is something that Nick and I do well, so it will be good even if I have a few crisis' in the meantime. I'm excited to spend Christmas in Virginia again!

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