
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Knit Happens

I used to pass a store called Knit Happens every day for work.  It made me laugh every day!  So when my sweet and thoughtful mom suggested that I sign up for a knitting class, of course, I thought knit happens!  All of this is really to say that last week I went to my first knitting class.  And it was awesome…

You see, I have a life bucket list (I say life because I also have a San Diego bucket list, a travel bucket list, a food bucket list, and so on).  But one of the things on my life bucket list is to learn how to knit.  I can easily picture myself knitting scarves, blankets, wraps, sweaters, and the list goes on and on.  (On a side note, I think that I have said before that I can picture myself doing a lot of things – and that is true – hence all of the bucket lists.)  Well, I had to start somewhere and that somewhere is The Grove.
This is an absolutely adorable store in South Park (an area of San Diego).  I like to describe it by saying that when my mom and I own a store one day – it will be like this one.  It is a book/yarn/fabric/gift/everything wonderful store.  I signed up for a beginner knitting class and spent two hours learning the craft.  Surprisingly, I picked it up pretty fast, even though I’m worried about what will happen when I actually try it on my own tonight.  I sat there peacefully knitting, listening to the live saxophone music that was playing at the ice cream shop next door, learning something new, and thinking life certainly is good. 
So here is what I leave you with – pictures of a little knitting paradise.

1 comment:

  1. How cool - learning something new! I hope you and Les will visit it when she come to SD soon. xoxo
