
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pregnancy Update

I know it's just me, but I feel like my life is revolving around this pregnancy...and I love it! Yet, when I'm with other people I am conscious to talk about other things going on in life....because in reality that's the case!

Regardless, I'm still going to blog about it b/c that's what's going on with me right now!  

I've had a really good pregnancy so far...I'm 37 weeks and seem to have had a very smooth and "by the book" pregnancy.  First trimester I was exhausted, had strong food aversions, and occasional nausea.  By 16 weeks and into my second trimester my energy came back and I felt great!  Back to my normal schedule and feeling like I can eat and do everything as I did before.  Now with the third trimester, I can feel the fatigue creeping back in...along with back aches, rib soreness, hip soreness, and some serious baby kicks/punches.

I have really been lucky to be able to do everything as normal. We've gone on road trips to weddings and to see friends and family...vacation at the beach at 34 weeks...still venturing into the city for shows, a yankees game and good food. I've also worked as normal which has required hot days in the car, being on my feet a lot, and not always being able to pee, eat, or drink water on my own schedule. For the past couple weeks and since I'm in the home stretch now...only 21 days till my due date...I've been conscious to take it easy. I've been spending more time on the couch when I can to put my feet up. Nick has been great about cooking dinner and walking Cole which I really appreciate.

Here are a couple things that I think have helped my pregnancy stay comfortable and sane:
  • weekly yoga since I was 13 weeks.  I am still going, but this week may be my last session.
  • not worrying about every little thing, especially food.  Once I could eat more, I did!  No alcohol or hard drugs, but I didn't worry about eating shrimp or hot dogs (as long as both were cooked and warm) and didn't worry too much about calories, etc.
  • lots of water and vitamins since before I got pregnant
  • fruits and veggies mixed with a solid amount of chocolate
  • staying organized with lists for baby needs, things to do before the baby comes, etc.
So far so good...keep your fingers crossed that the next 3 weeks go by FAST and smoothly!  I want to meet this little lady already, but at the same time I'm happy to let her keep growing.

1 comment:

  1. is that a hokie bird on your tummy?! love the pics and update:)
